Your Dog and the Holiday Season

Preparing Your Dog For Holiday Stress
‘Tis the season to prepare your dog for the stress of the holidays. The busyness, noise, smells, and new people that come along during this special time of year can be a lot for a dog. Thankfully, there are ways we can help them take it in stride.
Stay Active
As difficult as it can be during this busy season, it’s important to maintain as much of your normal routine as possible, especially where activity is concerned. Giving your dog plenty of time to be active will help them manage the stress they’re feeling.
If possible, taking a quick early morning walk, run, or other adventure would do both dog and companion some good. If you have traveled to an area new to your dog, allow them ample time to sniff around, as this will help them become more familiar with their new surroundings. This time together will let your dog know that you haven’t forgotten them amid the hustle and bustle going on around them.
Create A Calm Space
Whether you plan to stay home or will be visiting a new space, give your dog a place to escape from all the noise and people. Put their bed or crate in a bedroom or other area where they can play with a favorite toy or simply take a nap. It’s also helpful to have some sort of white noise in the background to drown out the festivities happening elsewhere in the home. Download a white noise app onto a tablet or simply turn on a television for background noise.
Nutrition Is Key
We all know how holiday food can keep us from feeling our best. For our dogs, this same rings true. Dogs will inevitably find some irresistible treats on the floor this time of year, but it’s best to keep it at that. As tempting as it is to indulge them in a bigger portion from the holiday feast, the stress these foods can put on their digestive system isn’t worth it.
As a friendly reminder, below is a list of holiday foods that are particularly bad for dogs:
- Ham
- Onions
- Garlic
- Macadamia Nuts
- Almonds
- Chocolate and other sweets – especially avoid the artificial sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
- Grapes and raisins
- Chicken/turkey/beef bones
Overall, it’s important to maintain their normal diet of nutritious Black Gold® Explorer® pet food, which has the added benefit of prebiotics that will help your dog’s digestive system deal with any holiday treats it may get its paws on. Keeping their belly full of healthy food will reduce the stress of both dog and companion.
Enjoy a happy holiday season full of memories made with your dog and family!