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Tips for a Safe and Healthy Summer with Your Dog

dog jumping over lake

Ah, summer. Warmer temperatures, longer days, and a breezy, carefree feeling. Just the thought of it brings a buzz of excitement and gets the planning wheels turning for a season full of adventures for you and your best bud.

Whether it’s a day on the lake, catching waves at the beach, or a long hike down a new trail, summer knows just how to put fun front and center. And to make sure that fun doesn’t get interrupted or cut short, it is important to keep summer safety top of mind for your pup too.

No one knows a dog like their companion, and no one cares about their health and well-being more. With these tips you’ll be ready for a summer full of adventures.

Stay Cool
We’ve all heard of the “summer cut”, which typically includes a close shave or a considerable reduction of fur. And yes, this can help dogs stay cool but it can also expose your dog to possible sunburn.

That’s right. Dogs can suffer the effects of sun overexposure too. Applying sunscreen is important for any dog, especially those with thin hair or where their skin is visible. Before you grab just any sunscreen for your dog, make sure the sunscreen is pet safe. You’ll want to look for pet-specific sunscreen of at least SPF 15, and avoid sunscreens containing para-aminobenzoic acid and zinc oxide as those are toxic to pets if ingested.

And perhaps everyone’s favorite way to stay cool in the summer heat is getting wet. For the pup that likes to go jump in a lake, get laps in a pool or splash around in the ocean waves, check out our water safety tips.

It’s tempting to spend all day outside soaking up the sun, but dogs definitely need shade, breaks from activity, and plenty of water. Adding heat on top of adventure means extra hydration breaks are a must. Keeping your dog well hydrated will help keep them from overheating.

It’s also worth mentioning that while sweating helps keep companions cool, dogs don’t have the same temperature control system. Instead, dogs pant to release heat.

Lastly, as the temperatures rise, keep in mind that if the heat is too uncomfortable for you, it is really unpleasant for your dog.

Having clean and cool water on hand will help relieve weather-related discomfort and give them the internal cooling they need.

Use Caution

We know your companion loves exercise, but for their safety, avoid rigorous exercise on hot days. Doing so can expose your dog to paw pad burns from overheated sidewalk concretes, tennis courts, beaches, etc. You can notice a paw pard burn by looking for blisters, or you may find your dog continually liking at his or her feet.

If you do choose to exercise on warmer days, we recommend avoiding the timeframe from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the sun is at its peak. Instead, try to get outside before or after that time frame. Remember to carry water for your companion and keep the walk or run short.

Fuel Up
When the temperatures are rising, our four-legged friends, just like us, may tend to eat less. But if extra activity is in the schedule, then fueling up with the proper nutrition is essential.

Giving your dog a well-balanced, nutrient-rich option like Black Gold Explorer Formula will keep them safe, healthy, and able to enjoy all of the summer adventures.

So pack these tips in your adventure bag and bring on all the summer good times.